9 Guys Girls should never Date


1. Mr. Volatile

One moment, everyone’s eyeing this extra caring, super-hot boyfriend of yours while the next, he’s just indifferent and you’re left wondering WTH just happened. We won’t call this man one with mood swings because that is acceptable. But he’s the kind of a man who is so volatile, you’ll have all the answers, yet be clueless about his weird behaviour.

2. The ‘I-me-myself’ guy

Go to a restaurant with him, he’ll be kind enough to let you check the menu, but will choose what he wants. Talk to him over the phone, you’ll find conversations start with how his day was and ends with the goals of his life. And while you’re thinking of a beach destination for that annual relaxation holiday, you’ll end up going to a desert just because he wants a camel ride. He’s selfish. Stay with him to be unhappy for the rest of your life.

3. The ‘Aww-I’m-just-a-kid’ man

This guy just hasn’t grown up. He’s so happy extending his childhood days that he will mistake you for his momma. If you’re willing to tie his shoelace, select clothes for that everyday outing of his, cook for him and feed him, among doing his other chores, we will say, go for him.

4. The sleaze-ball

He flirts with every woman on the planet – his receptionist, the waitress, the woman who comes to take out garbage, the stranger at the super market and even your best friend. His history can make you uncomfortable and you just know he’s not the kind who’ll be serious with anyone. Avoid this man who’s only about sex, sex and just sex, unless you’re looking for someone to play with too.

5. ‘I-need-you-so-much’ fella

This Mr Clingy is a total no-no to be with. He’s so insecure and doubtful about things in life, all he’s looking for is reassurance. And here’s what he comes with: a truck full of emotions. Trust us, you wouldn’t want to be a shoulder to this man, who goes sob, sniff, sob every single minute when he’s with you.

6. The predictable guy

This one’s as predictable as a bimonthly auto rickshaw fare hike in Delhi. You just know what he’s thinking or is about to do. Yes, we’re talking about (yawn) the guy who has just no surprises to offer you, because well, not only is he predictable, but he’s way too boring, so much so that we know for certain you’ll gauge him in just a month.

7. The Player

The player is a ladies’ man. He is charming, well mannered, good looking, witty and successful but will never stick around till the end of the night. He will manipulate your emotions with endless compliments. The Player often boasts of his expensive house, extravagant gifts, fast cars and lavish parties but doesn’t display a shred of genuine emotion. The sex is great, but don’t be surprised if you do not see him in the morning.

8. The Mama’s Boy

The Mama’s boy is a sweet, kind and gentle Man-Child. He is immature and irresponsible. His mother influences his life, goals and relationships. He has no stable income and he lives rent free with his mother. His beloved mother thinks that no girl is good enough for him. He will constantly compare you to his mother by saying disturbing statements like “My mother cooks like this, you should too.” In spite of trying to live up to his expectations, you will always fall short. He frequently calls and texts his mother to inform her about his daily routine. RUN before he brings his mother to the dinner date.

9. The Rebounder

The Rebounder has recently broken up with his long time serious girlfriend. He will constantly talk about his ex saying “She dressed up like that” or “We had our first kiss at this restaurant.” Check his cell phone for pictures of his ex or her messages. Also, does he try to spot his ex in every tall girl with short black hair? Emotional baggage never helped any relationship! It is going to take some serious investigation and patience to determine if you are dating a Rebounder.

Best of Luck Ladies!

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We are building tomonotomo ( http://www.tomonotomo.com ) – which is short for “tomodachi no tomodachi” – which means – “friends of friends”. We are revolutionising the way dating happens. If you believe in love, please sign up!

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